تطبيق اذكاري، صدقة جارية

by AdancedApp



Remembrance application ... :: Male - supplication :: ...- This version of the application .. :: Azkari :: .. is the cornerstone of a comprehensive application of the remembrance, supplication and the Qur’an- This version of the application is an ongoing charity ...- May God have mercy on my father, my uncle, my grandmother and those who died among my aunts ... and bless those who remain- May Allah reward everyone who uses the application, publishes it, and indicates it.- The application includes the following remembrance and supplications:Morning remembrance, evening remembrance, remembrance of the epidemic and affliction, the legal spell of the Qur’an and Sunnah, supplication for the deceased, supplications for the deceased parents, supplication for wearing a new dress, remembrance of the day and night, remembrance of sleep, remembrance of waking up from sleep, seeking refuge from the neighbor of evil, remembrance of the call to prayer, dhikr After the prayer, the supplication for the Istikharah prayer, the supplication for the meeting of the enemy and the sultan, the supplication for the enemy, the supplication for the elimination of religion, the congratulations of the newborn and his answer, what the children seek refuge in, the indoctrination of the dying person, the supplications of reclamation, the supplication for sneezing, the supplication before the wife comes, the supplication for anger, the supplication Hate the bird, the supplication for entering a village or town, the Talbiyah during Hajj or Umrah, the supplication on the day of Arafah, the description of praising the Prophet .. and many useful remembrance ..